
“we create opportunities and programs for our girls to fill a major learning gap that our education system fails to provide: teaching children how to be their full authentic selves and foster their unique skills for future career paths.” 


our mission

using principles taught in sports, VIA's mission is to inspire girls in the design of their life visions based off of their unique passions and talents. Then, VIA will provide tools for their mind, body, and spirit to help achieve their goals and lead their communities.


our vision

our vision is to revolutionize social, environmental, and economic policies by increasing representation and parity for women in the professional workplace.


our purpose

it’s simple: we believe that every girl has the power to change the world. We understand that positive change can happen anywhere and everywhere, from families, to communities, to entire countries. We exist to assist girls on their journeys in identifying, exploring, and strengthening their passions and talents to use them to lead change in wherever they see fit and diversify their prospective professions. 


these pillars give our participants the foundation needed to inspire girls innate ability to lead and to empower her highest performance.


I am.

I rise.

I thrive.

there are so many strong examples of how sports can be a core foundation to help girls excel:

  • a study by Girls, Inc., 82% of female executives reported having played organized sports during youth.

  • a 2018 Girls and Sports Impact Report found a strong link between positive body image and playing sports in girls 5th-12th grade. 

  • the Women’s Sports Foundation discovered that girls who play sports have higher levels of confidence and lower levels of depression.


82% of female executives played organized sports

*female success rate

we are at a pivotal time in our society, and the wisdom and power of female leaders is necessary in taking us to the next level of social, economic, and environmental policies. Women must come to lead without distraction or noise, but with conviction. A conviction to stand for what’s right, to act in power, and to create their unique path within the world in whatever capacity they decide.

the strength and confidence provided by sports and movement has lifelong benefits for girls as both individuals and leaders, encouraging what we need in our society to transform and evolve. VIA girls will learn how to take their performance to the highest level through self-awareness and mastery of key life skills.